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Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio Review

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Reviewed by:
On March 4, 2015
Last modified:March 4, 2015


Both my Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio have provided me with satisfaction where quality and durability concerned while traveling and as PA at my workshop. I love simplicity and do not need more than what this CB radio has to offer, plus it is affordable without whoa technology attached to it only the basics.

Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio

Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio

Are you looking for a CB radio that is compact and durable while not expensive? Then I welcome you to my personal Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio review. I have owned this CB radio for quite a while now and pleased to say that it has provided me with great quality at an affordable price.


The Cobra 19 DX IV

I own two of these radios one I use in my vehicle and the others situated on my workshop counter where I use it as a public address system as I own a mechanical workshop and works great when in need of advising employees to bring around a clients’ car when completed.

When I was looking for a CB radio, I needed a radio that was not too difficult to use and compact enough to mount on my Jeep, as I love the outdoors and travel through mountain trails while camping out and always need a radio especially when in trouble or needing to know what the weathers up to.

The Cobra 19 DX IV has all the features I need in quality and ease of use as I am not fond of technology and things that you need to take a course just to be able to work it. Simplicity is the thing when it comes to this radio.

The radio came with the microphone, mounting bracket, screws, fused power cord, and microphone hanger. It has basic functionality made easier with the supplied knobs that are easy to use consisting of the following:

  • Channel 9/NOR/Channel 19 Button for immediate access to information and emergency that works great for me
  • CB/PA button that I use in the workshop as a public address system with external speakers
  • The On/Off volume knob
  • A Squelch/RF gain knob
  • The channel selector knob
  • Has added feature for external speakers
  • Comes with a great LCD channel display

Mounting and connecting the radio was easy with the supplied brackets. I have bought myself an external antenna that helps me pick up reception from a long distance while traveling. Choosing the channels made easier with the channel selecting knob and with the Squelch; it eliminates background noise while traveling through mountain ranges.

Standout Features I like while using the Cobra 19DXIV

One of the things I like while traveling is the fact that the LCD displays illuminated and while traveling during the day or night you have no problem when it comes to visibility of the display.

The Cobra 19DXIV also comes with RF Gain that adjusts receiver sensitivity to match incoming signal and provides you with clear receiving and transmission. The microphone is made of heavy-duty material and comes with a 9-foot cord.

Great features

  • The Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio is stylishly designed with a new vehicle design, fashionable features and graphics providing it with a modern look
  • The design is compact and mounts easily into trucks and cars
  • It comes with illuminated LCD display allowing you with great display and visibility
  • The RF Gain allows you to decrease the sensitivity providing you with strong signals while increasing sensitivity for weak ones
  • It comes with 40 channel electronic tuning
  • You have Instant channel 9/19 access providing you with information and emergency
  • Capable of being used as a PA system
  • It comes with a four pin screw-on microphone connector and 9 foot cord
  • Easy to use with the power on/off volume control buttons
  • With Squelch control, you can eliminate background noise while traveling
  • The CB comes with a limited one-year warranty
Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio Review

Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio Review

Customer Feedback

Before purchasing the Cobra 19 DX IV, I read more than 50 customer reviews available on Amazon, providing enough information on deciding if this radio was the one that would suit all my needs.

The customers are pleased with the CB radio, as it is compact, reliable, and inexpensive. Most users have the radio installed in their vehicles and happy with the transmitting and receiving of it.

One customer said it is a great little radio and worth the money spent. It is an immense unit if you are looking for the basics with no frills attached providing you with quality when it comes to needing a radio for emergencies and great to use with a quality antenna.

Pros and Cons of Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio


  • The Cobra 19DXIV radio offers you with versatility to use as CB or PA system
  • The radio is easy to use and mount
  • It is a basic radio with no need of taking a course to use
  • The radio is affordable


As I have, two of them could not find any faults with them although some customers complained that the quality was poor and the transmission plus receiving bad, advising users to buy another brand by name that could be either people featuring the brand for them. As it is a basic radio at an affordable price you cannot expect it to be a flagship.

Final Word

Both my Cobra 19DXIV 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio have provided me with satisfaction where quality and durability concerned while traveling and as PA at my workshop. I love simplicity and do not need more than what this CB radio has to offer, plus it is affordable without whoa technology attached to it only the basics.


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