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Tag Archives: Cobra

Cobra CB Radios, Features and Specifications

The Old-Time Best Cobra CB Radio In 1963 the Cobra CB radio was born and evolved into a well-known brand worldwide as a leading signature product and one of its kind. Today Cobra is still an old-time favorite in being one of the best leading

Cobra HHROADTRIP 40-Channel CB Radio Review

Cobra HHROADTRIP 40-Channel CB Radio Review

Do you belong to road trip club or travel by road most of the time short and long distance, then the Cobra HHROADTRIP 40-Channel CB Radio is the right CB to have with you? I belong to a Jeep club and go on many road

Cobra 75WXST 40-Channel CB Radio Review

Cobra 75WXST 40-Channel CB Radio Review

After looking and searching around for information regarding CB radios and looking for another radio for one of my vehicles thinking and scrutinizing if I should start buying the latest available models, I decided on this little number the Cobra 75WXST 40-Channel CB Radio once

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