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Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio Review

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Reviewed by:
On March 17, 2015
Last modified:March 17, 2015


If you are looking for a CB that only does the basic stuff, then there is no need for spending a fortune on CB radios. Buy yourself this Midland 1001Z as it will provide you with only the basics in CB radioing with no frills attached. With a great antenna attached to it, you will receive a clear and long distance transmitting and receiving in one affordable package.

Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio Review

Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio Review

So, you are sitting here viewing this page on your internet browser, wondering if you should read this Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio Review – perhaps with some doubt as to why someone would by this cheap radio as it not be worth a flip. Well, I am telling you to read on as I was thinking the same buying it. I gave it my best shot, installed it in my vehicle, and so far pretty impressed.


My first impression with the Midland 1001Z

When I pulled it out of the box for the first time I thought wow this is cheap! The Midland 1001Z made completely of plastic and has no weight to it. Even, the knobs and switches have a tactile feel of being cheap. As I am a ham radio geek, my first thought was to pull out my trusty old screwdriver and open the casing.

Moreover, with no surprise all the inside components made cheaply – however, I did not see any sloppy workmanship seen in other cheap models. Then I went about to install it in my vehicle with no problems. I installed it with a mag mount antenna as the radio provides you with 4 watts AM-output that is why I use a large antenna for efficiency.

Tuning in the Midland 1001Z CB Radio

Now I started tuning in the Midland 1001Z CB Radio, as you need good SWR. I bought a cheap SWR meter and tuned it in the best I could. After installing and fine-tuning everything, it was time to take it on the road. I must say it looks great in the vehicle for an inexpensive radio, started up the car, and cruised about town. I chat with quite a few locals in our town and some of the truckers passing by and the radio works great.

It is not a fancy CB radio with multitude of features, but when it comes to chatting away with the locals or while traveling by road it does what it is suppose to do. The radio consists of CB and PA functionality for use in workshops or retail stores. It has instant access to emergency channel 9 and has RF Gain to adjust the reception sensitivity to provide clear communication.

The microphone connects easily to the front panel locking system while the strength signals displayed on the digital power meter. Even, the squelch control works great removing any background noise.


  • The Midland CB radios come with 40 channels and 4 watt output
  • It has CB and PA switch capability
  • The RF Gain allows you to adjust reception for clear communication while used
  • Easy to install in vehicles, RVs and trucks
  • It has a front panel lock microphone connector
  • The CB radio comes with a three-year warranty
  • It has instant channel 9 emergency access
  • The LED displays easy to see during the day or night
  • The digital power meter provides you with signal strength and RF output
  • The Squelch control eliminates all background noise
  • Comes with basic controls for switching on/off, volume, tuning, instant channel 9
Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio

Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio

Customer Feedback

This radio may be cheaper, but Amazon offers you with some great feedback and Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio Review on this radio. The majority of customers are pleased with the functionality of it in being easy to use and providing them with only the basics and no frills.

One of the customers has purchased himself two of them as he has more than 50 years of experience as a ham radio operator and uses the radio every day, providing you with high power CB broadcasting and still comes at an affordable price.

Pros and Cons of  Midland 1001Z 40-Channel CB Radio


  • The Midland CB radios reasonably priced for anybody to buy if they are looking for a basic radio with no frills attached
  • The radio offers you with basic functionality and easy to install
  • The radio is versatile and can be used as CB or Public Address system
  • It offers you with emergency channel while traveling


The only thing I did not like while using the radio is the flimsy feeling of the switches and channel knobs– however, not a train smash you get use to it and it has not fallen off thus far.

Midland 1001Z 40-Channel

Midland 1001Z 40-Channel

Final Word

If you are looking for a CB that only does the basic stuff, then there is no need for spending a fortune on CB radios. Buy yourself this Midland 1001Z as it will provide you with only the basics in CB radioing with no frills attached. With a great antenna attached to it, you will receive a clear and long distance transmitting and receiving in one affordable package.


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