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Tag Archives: CB Radio

Uniden PRO520XL 40-Channel CB Radio Review

Uniden PRO520XL 40-Channel CB Radio Review

This past Christmas I went to visit my family in Indiana, you know how the roads are over this time the year being cold, and snowing at times well my CB Radio that I have owned for more than seven years decided to die on

Uniden 40-Channel CB Radio (PRO505XL) Review

Uniden 40-Channel CB Radio (PRO505XL) Review

I drive every week around 180 miles each way and often in the early hours of the morning, and has often thought to myself, I need to have a CB installed to hear what the traffic around me has to say especially the truckers. However,

Cobra 75WXST 40-Channel CB Radio Review

Cobra 75WXST 40-Channel CB Radio Review

After looking and searching around for information regarding CB radios and looking for another radio for one of my vehicles thinking and scrutinizing if I should start buying the latest available models, I decided on this little number the Cobra 75WXST 40-Channel CB Radio once

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